26. Oktober 2018, Lokhalle Freiburg (Germany)
Klimafarming und Nahrungssicherheit
Nikolas Hagemann und Hans-Peter Schmidt
Mit Pflanzenkohle als Schlüsselwerkzeug und größtmöglicher Biodiversität als Erfolgskriterium arbeiten wir an Klimaschutz und gesunder Ernährung. Anlässlich der Eröffnung unseres neuen Büros in Freiburg stellten wir in zwei Vorträgen unsere Herangehensweisen und das Konzept des Klimafarmings vor, zeigen Waldgärten in Nepal, mobile Gärten gegen den Hunger in Bangladesh und Biodüngerentwicklung in Kuba. Wir präsentierten, wie einige Pioniere bereits Landwirtschaft der Zukunft betreiben, die hunderte Tonnen CO2 aus der Atmosphäre entzieht und dabei höchst produktiv und vielfältig ist. Die Präsentation der Vorträge finden Sie hier:
Nikolas Hagemann: Die Welt von Ithaka - Pflanzenkohle verstehen
Hans-Peter Schmidt: Klimafarming und Nahrungssicherheit
12. -16. March 2018, Landscape 2018 – Frontiers of agricultural landscape research, Berlin
Terrestrial carbon dioxide removal potential of pyrolytic treated biomass produced by sustainable carbon farming
Hans-Peter Schmidt
14. -16. February 2018, ARF international workshop and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform; Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
Scaling-Up organic biochar based fertilization in rural home gardens
by Hans-Peter Schmidt
22. -23. January 2018, Terrestrial CO2 Removal: Potential and Tradeoffs in the SDG Context, PIK Potsdam, Germany
Producing food, biomass, and ecosystem services in optimized carbon farming systems with biochar
by Hans-Peter Schmidt
30. November 2017, Nabu-Naturerlebniszenrtrum, Blumenberger Mühle, Angermünde
Pflanzung des Lutherbaumes - Auf dass wir klug werden
Pflanzung des Luther-Apfelbaums in die fruchtbare Schwarzerde Terra preta mit Haiko Pieplow
Artikel zur Veranstaltung, Pressemeldung und Programm
20. August 2016, Berlin Pankow
Wie aus Windeln Apfelträume werden
Terra Preta Workshop mit Ayumi Matsuzaka, Haiko Pieplow und dem Dycle-Team im Kulturzentrum Cafè Eden Berlin–Pankow
13. August 2016, Welsow bei Angermünde/Ückermark
Verwandlung von Gartenabfällen in Schwarzes Gold
Ein praktischer Terra Preta Workshop mit Sarah Wiener und Haiko Pieplow
Sarah Wiener, die berühmte Restaurantchefin, und Haiko Pieplow werden phantastische Gerichte in Gargruben zaubern, Pflanzenkohle herstellen und die Prinzipien der Terra Preta und organischen Nährstoffkreisläufe demonstrieren. Programm und Anmeldung
19. Januar 2016, Kaindorf (Austria) - Humusfachtag
Erfolgreicher Einsatz von Pflanzenkohle durch Nährstoffanreicherung und Wurzelzonenapplikation
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Programm der Tagung, Humusfachtage in der Ökoregion Kaindorf, Österreich
7th December 2015, Dakar (Senegal) - Transformationen Kontinent Afrika
Climate Farming: Creating healthy, fertile soils with the planting of trees and crops, with recycling organic nutrients, and biochar captured carbon
Keynote by Hans-Peter Schmidt
Trees not only produce timber but animal fodder, nuts, fruits, pharmaceuticals… and shade, nitrogen and carbon for soil fertility. No heavily degraded soil can be regenerated and awaken to life without the planting of trees. Trees are crops that transform the surface of an agricultural field into a much more resilient and efficient multistory eco-system that can produce stable and cash crops and plenty of commodities in parallel.
A farm scale device to carbonize crop waste, animal bones and invasive shrubs will have to be introduced to manufacture a highly porous substance called biochar. This biochar will then be enhanced with liquid organic nutrients and transformed into a highly efficient organic fertilizer that replaces chemical fertilizer while increasing crop yields substantially. Farmers can thus becoming increasingly independent from imported fertilizer and pesticides. Thanks to biochar based fertilizer and soil substrates plants not only grow better and are more resilient during extended dry periods, they also increase plant survival rates especially during reforestation of degraded land.
In our talk we present the basics of these climate farming methods, our experiences with implementing it in different countries and discuss the prospects for its introduction into the Republic of Senegal.
Program of the conference, 5 - 10th December 2015, Dakar, Senegal
Tagungsprogram auf Deutsch
18th November 2015, Boston (USA) - Sustainatopia Conference
Investing in Eco-System Renewal
Kathleen Draper
Program of the Conference, 16th - 18th Novembre 2015, Boston (USA)
12th October 2015, Regional Consultation on “Agroforestry: The Way Forward”, Delhi (India)
Agro-forestation with biochar for carbon capture and increased farm productivity
Bishnu Hari Pandit
Program of the Conference, 10th - 12th October, Delhi (India)
30th September 2015, Joint International Biochar Symposium 2015, Geisenheim (Germany)
Farm scale biochar production, biochar nutrient enhancement, and application techniques in Nepal
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Please find here the video recording of the presentation
Program of the Symposium, 28th - 30th September, Geisenheim (Germany)
Tagungsprogramm auf Deutsch
25th August 2015, IBI Webinar Series
Farm scale biochar production, nutrient enhancement and soil application techniques
Hans-Peter Schmidt
While biochar prices from industrial production are at levels that make its use in most agricultural settings economically non viable, the scenario changes when farmers produce - on farm - their own biochar from residues such as straw, husks, shrubs, cuttings and prunings in smaller scale, low cost biochar kilns. Farmers can thus combine biochar production with on-farm waste management, biomass heat generation and on-site organic fertilizer production, which is a major step towards a more circular economy in agriculture. Using Kon-Tiki type flame curtain pyrolysis systems, the cost per tonne of biochar could come down to below $150 compared to the current market price of €600 to €900 per tonne. Furthermore, as the amount of biochar produced per farm and year would be dependent on the biomass surplus of each farm, it would be in direct relation to the carbon balance and potential of photosynthesis of the farm.
Once a farmer has sufficient high quality biochar at his disposal new roads of nutrient capture and recycling opens up. In mixed-use farms biochar could thus first be used in manure management to decrease nutrient losses, reduce odours and to improve, when applied to soil, the organic fertilizer efficiency while reducing GHG emissions during the whole cascade of use from manure storage, to composting and application. Some of the biochars might even be used as feed additives to initiate the nutrient capturing effect of the biochar already in the digestive system of the animals while improving feed efficiency and animal fitness. Even though scientific proof of the later is still scarce, more than 90% of the biochar holding a European Biochar Certificate (EBC, 2012) is first used in animal farming (partly as a feed supplement and mostly as bedding and manure treatment) and, only after those initial uses, is the biochar used as a soil amendment.
Organic nutrient enhanced biochar can then be used very efficiently in concentrated sub root applications. Instead of spreading large amounts of biochar over the whole field, low amounts of biochar-nutrient slurries are injected into the root zone of the cultivated plants where they and their microbial symbionts benefit from nutrients and water captured in the biochar as well as from the other known qualities of biochar.
Program of the IBI Webinar Series and download of the recoding of the presentation
PDF of the presentation given at the webinar
25th June 2015, TerraBoGa Workshop, Botanischer Garten Berlin (Germany)
Pflanzenkohle für eine biobasierte Wirtschaft
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Bitte finden Sie hier einen Videomitschnitt des Vortrages
Tagungsprogramm, 23te bis 24te Juni 2015
29th May 2015, International Biochar Symposium - Biochar Contribution to Sustainable Agriculture, Potsdam (Germany)
Farmer scale biochar production and nutrient enhancement
keynote by Hans-Peter Schmidt
With low cost, on-farm biochar production, biochar could be used in various cascades from silage and animal feeding, to bedding and manure management, to waste water treatment and urine recycling, to grain store house building, as well as vegetable and fruit storage. The potential ubiquity of biochar in many farming processes could improve the ecological and carbon footprint, nutrient cycling and overall sustainability of farming. With each year the amount of biochar and soil organic matter in soil could be increased steadily, creating an expanding carbon sink in agricultural soils. On-farm biochar production could thus be a major step towards a more circular economy in agriculture.
At the conference, we will present the Kon-Tiki technology and its perspective for on-farm biochar production, its subsequent cascading use and nutrient enhancement. We will further present analytical data of the biochars depending on feedstock, quenching technique and kiln design, emission and yield data as well as a first economic evaluation of the technology both for developing and developed countries. In addition, we will present some first result of farmer trials in Nepal using these biochars.
Program of the Symposium, 28th to 29th May 2015, Potsdam, Germany
16th April 2015, NE Biomass Heating Conference, Portland (USA)
Markets for biochar and CHAB systems
Kathleen Draper
Program of the Symposium, 15th to 17th April 2015, Portland, USA
Pflanzenkohle – Für gesunde Tiere und gesunde Böden
Hans-Peter Schmidt
PDFs der Präsentationen aller Vorträge der Tagung
25th March 2014, Biochar in Pakistan - Opportunities and Potential, Faisalabad (Pakistan)
How to make biochar work?
Hans-Peter Schmidt
11th March 2014, The Potential of Carbonation for Ireland, House of European Parliament, Dublin
Potential of developing products for agriculture and environment including high value products from “waste” using pyrolysis technology
Hans-Peter Schmidt
12. Februar 2014, Hochschule Wädenswil, Zürich
Einführung in die Pyrolysetechnologie
Hans-Peter Schmidt
30. Januar 2014, Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft, Bern
Pflanzenkohle - Wohin geht der Weg bei der Anwendung?
Hans-Peter Schmidt
23 - 24th January 2014, COST Focus Meeting, Vienna
Understanding the Interactions between different Biochars and Plants, Micro-organisms, Soil Organic Matter, Soil Minerals, and Water
Claudia, Kammann, Stephen Joseph, Olivier Husson, Pellegrino Conte, Gerhard Soja, Hans-Peter Schmidt
20 - 22. Januar 2014, Humusfachtage - International Humus Expert Meeting, Kaindorf (Austria)
Wohin geht der Weg bei der Anwendung von Pflanzenkohle - ist diese Bewegung noch aufzuhalten?
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Programm of the 1st International Humus Expert Meeting
16 - 17th January 2014, 2nd Mediterranean Biochar Symposium, Palermo (Italy)
Analytical Standards for Biochar Characterization - Lessons from the Cost Biochar Ring Trial
Hans-Peter Schmidt, Hans Jörg Bachmann, Thomas D. Bucheli, Daniele Fabbri, Heike Knicker, Axel Ulbricht
2nd Mediterranean Biochar Symposium
10th December, The Future of Biochar, End conference of the Interreg IVB project Biochar, Groningen (NL)
Cascading use of biochar
Before its application to soil, biochar can help to close the agronomic nutrient cycles especially in animal farming when used as a feed additive or for manure treatment.
Hans-Peter Schmidt
The future of biochar conference
To enhance the agronomic effects of biochar several post production treatments might be considered: (1) adding nutrients, (2) inoculating it with beneficial microorganisms, (3) improving its
14. November, University of Prague
Certification of biochar and biochar legislation in the EU
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Presentation about the EBC-Certificat and biochar legislation in the EU
5. - 7. November, ESF Exploratory Workshop on IMPACT OF NATURAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC PYROGENIC CARBON IN MEDITERRANEAN ECOSYSTEMS, European Science Foundation, Seville
Infuencing biochar characteristics through pyrolysis conditions, feedstock blending and post-production treatment
Hans-Peter Schmidt
To enhance the agronomic effects of biochar several post production treatments might be considered: (1) adding nutrients, (2) inoculating it with beneficial microorganisms, (3) improving its surface reactivity and porous volume and thus its sorption dynamics through traditional activation techniques, and/or (4) accelerated biological aging through composting or fermentation. The different post-production techniques can be classified according to the resulting physical and chemical alteration of the biochar:
1. Addition of nutrients, microorganisms and/or minerals in liquid solution which soak into the biochar pores without any or with only slight chemical alteration of the biochar.
2. Physicochemical activation (treatment with acids, vapours, toasting with minerals …), resulting in alterations of the surface, pore volume and functional groups.
3. Biochemical interaction of the biochar with organic compounds, minerals and microorganisms resulting in complexation of the aromatic structure and also partial degradation.
21. - 23. Oktober - EU-COST Action on biochar, annual meeting, Velence (Hungary)
Results and first statistical evaluation of the biochar ringtrial
Work group 1 - meeting on 21st
First European Biochar stakeholder meeting
workshop and conferences on 23ed
15. Oktober 2013, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (US)
Novel Uses of Biochar
Hans-Peter Schmidt
USBI - North American Biochar Conference
Cascading Uses of Biochar - Hans-Peter Schmidt, Ithaka Institute
In addition to the use of biochar as a soil amendment, there are an increasing number of ways to incorporate biochar into different eco- and industrial systems. Thus feeding biochar to livestock has numerous benefits not only for the animals, but it also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improves nutrient retention in animal manure. The use of biochar in building materials is just beginning to be studied but shows promise in the ability to insulate, decontaminate air, provide odor and humidity control. Biochar as pillow filling to induce perfectly reposing sleep is just another way to benefit from biochar's multiple qualities. There are more than 55 uses of biochar that can be combined in cascades. All of these uses have in common that the biochar gets slowly charged with nutrients, gets oxidized and can finally be recycled as a soil conditioner. This session will introduce participants to a broad range of novel and cascading uses of biochar.
11-13. Oktober 2013, Schloss Gartow
Gartower Oktobergespräche 2013 - Boden und Humusaufbau
2. Oktober 2013, Potsdam
Pflanzenkohle - ein Schlüsselelment zur Schließung der Stoffkreisläufe
Hans-Peter Schmidt
ANS-Tagung - Abfallwirtschaft meets Biochar, Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung
20. September 2013, Rheinau-Linx
Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Einsatz von Pflanzenkohle und Qualitätskriterien
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Humussymposium Oberrhein
12. September 2013, Kloster Fahr
Pflanzenkohle als Baumaterial - Carbon Sink City
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Download der Präsentation
20. Juni 2013, University Oxford (UK)
A European Vision for Biochar (keynote)
Hans-Peter Schmidt
British Biochar Conference 2013
Video recording of the conference
6. Juni 2013, University of Liechtenstein
Herausforderungen für eine One Planet Welt
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Liechtestein Congress 2013
2. Oktober 2012, Dörth
Biomasse-Recycling: Qualitätsprodukte auf Basis Pflanzenkohle mit hoher Wertschöpfung
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Hunsrücker Kompostsymposium 2012
25. September, Chania (Kreta)
Introduction to the European Biochar Certificate
Hans-Peter Schmidt
EU-COST Action Biochar Meeting
19. / 20. September 2012, Berlin
Strategien gezielten Einsatzes von Pflanzenkohle in der
Landwirtschaft | Strategies of targeted use of biochar in agriculture
Hans-Peter Schmidt
73. Symposium - Biokohle im Blick - Herstellung, Einsatz und Bewertung
15. September 2012, Mythopia (Valais)
Führung durch die Weinberge des Delinat-Instituts mit Degustation der Mythopia Weine
Claudio Niggli
Anmeldung und weitere Informationen
6. September 2012, Lenzburg (CH)
Förderung der Bodenaktivität des Terroir durch Pflanzenkohle,
Kompost und artenvielfältige Begrünung
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Schlogespräche Lenzburg
5. Juli 2012, Barri (It)
Biochar as Carrier for Plant Nutrients and Microorganisms - a first approach to activation techniques
Hans-Peter Schmidt
4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012 Soil Science for the Benefit for the Mankind and Environment
8. Mai 2012, Bern BLW
Nutzen der Pflanzenkohle in landwirtschaftlichen Stoffkreisläufen
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Fachtagung Dünger
3. Mai 2012, Liechtenstein
Cities and landscapes as productive natural systems- Urban niches for food production
Hans-Peter Schmidt
LISDAR - Liechtenstein Congress
24. April 2012, Wien
Biochar as carrier for plant nutrients and microorganisms - techniques of agro-activation
Hans-Peter Schmidt
European Geoscience Union
29. Februar 2012, Sihlbrugg (CH)
Stand der Forschung im Bereich der Pflanzenkohleproduktion
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Praxistag IG-Anlagen
30. Januar 2012, Hamm (D)
Klimafarming als Chance
Hans-Peter Schmidt
26. Januar 2012, Sihlbrugg (CH)
Stand der Forschung im Bereich der Pflanzenkohleproduktion
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Praxistag IG-Anlagen
19. November 2012, Kainsdorf (Ö)
Pflanzenkohleversuche in Europa
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Humus Symposium
19. November 2012, Kainsdorf (Ö)
Klimafarming in der Praxis
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Humus Fachtag
30. November 2011, Südtirol (It)
Bodenbewirtschaftung, Biodiversität und nachhaltige Produktion
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Weinbauseminar Südtirol
24. November 2011, Universität Bern
Biodiversität im Weinbau: ein agrarökologisches Gesamtkonzept
Claudio Niggli
Lecture in Plant & Animal Conservation Ecology
17. November 2011, Basel
Delinats Strategien für den ökologischen Weinbau der Zukunft
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Aktuelles zur Wirtschaftlichkeit im Rebbau und Keller
8. November 2011, Venlo (NL)
Carbon Fertilizer and Carbon Substrate Production
Hans-Peter Schmidt
NV Greenport Venlo Innovation Center
21. Oktober 2011, Zollikofen
Klimafarming im Weinbau
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Lancierungsevent: Klimastrategie Landwirtschaft - Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
15. Oktober 2011, Schloß Gartow
Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Terra Preta in der Forstwirtschaft
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Gartower Gespräche
26. September 2011, Universität Halle
Biochar as carrier for plant nutrients and microorganisms – a first approach to activation techniques
Hans-Peter Schmidt
European Biochar Symposium
21. August 2011, Fraueninsel Chiemgau
Terra Preta Einsatz im Wein- und Gartenbau
Hans-Peter Schmidt
EM-Tage Chiemgau
10. Juni 2011, Martigny
Alimentation en biodiversité
Hans-Peter Schmidt
31. Mai 2011, Leipzig
Verfahren zur biologischen Aufladung von Biokohle
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Terra Preta - Chancen für eine nachhaltige Kreislaufwirtschaft
21. Mai 2011, Domaine de Mythopia
Führung durch die Weinberge des Delinat-Instituts mit Degustation der Mythopia Weine
Claudio Niggli
Anmeldung und Informationen hier
10. Mai 2011, Universität Bremen
Anwendung von Biochar
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Herausforderung Dessertifikation - Kampf gegen Ausbreitung der Wüsten
2. April 2011, Cham
Lebendige Böden: Terra Preta, Biokohle, Kompost und Bokashi
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Schweizerischen Interessengemeinschaft Effektive Mikroorganismen
23. März 2011, Universität Liechtenstein
OaseStadt – Artenvielfalt und CO2‐Fixierung als Raumplanungsmandate
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Babel oder Mythopia Babel - Neue Richtungen in Städtebau und Raumplanung
24. Februar 2011, 13h00, Wien
Grundlagen für einen klimapositiven Weinbau mit hoher Biodiversität
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Bio Austria - Winzertage 2011, Wien
11. Januar 2011, 12h30, Leiwen
Strategien der Biodiversifizierung zur Verbesserung der Terroirqualität
Hans-Peter Schmidt